Put the major financial pieces in place for your future by joining one or all of the lunch and learn classes hosted by WisMed Financial. The Retirement Readiness series is focused on decisions for those near or in retirement. Financial Planning 101 provides a good knowledge base for anyone. All of the sessions start at noon. To register please visit wismedfinancial.org/lunch-learn.
Retirement Readiness
12/3 Wills, estate documents and charitable giving
12/10 Replacing the paycheck with investments and smart tax planning
12/17 Health insurance, Medicare and long-term care
Financial Planning 101
12/1 Saving for retirement and kids’ college
12/8 Building an investment portfolio
12/15 Smart tax strategies, life and disability insurance
To learn more or for questions, please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® of WisMed Financial, Inc.
Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF®
WisMed Financial, Inc. part of the Wisconsin Medical Society