Fellow neurologists,
I hope your new year is off to a great start. Let me start off this message with a thank you to Dr. Dulli for his great job serving as president of the Society for the last 2 years. I would also like to welcome Drs. Fee, Struck and Young to their roles as President-Elect, Vice President and Treasurer, respectively. We're off to a great start and look forward to a very eventful and positive year.
We will be meeting in medicine for Doctor Day at the Capital on Wednesday, January 29th. There is still time to sign up for this informative and important event. It is a great opportunity to network with other physicians and influence our legislators on issues important to our patients, practice and profession.
Our annual meeting in 2020 will again be at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. We're looking forward to an excellent educational program. We will again have guest speakers sponsored by the American Academy of Neurology, along with our local and statewide presenters and experts. Updates on advocacy and other national issues will be provided by Academy experts. There will be plenty of opportunity for networking among the attendees.
I will be meeting with the program director at the University Wisconsin neurology residency and will be giving Grand Rounds on June 8th this year. I've asked Dr. Fee to make similar in roads at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Our hope is to get more Residents to attend are annual meeting and build our WI future neurologists. I know that many neurologists would love to have the opportunity to interact with our colleagues in training. In addition to the research presentations and awards we're asking the residents for ideas that might increase their involvement.
Your input is always welcome. Our goal is to make the Wisconsin Neurological Society a great value to our members. I am looking forward to another great year and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Donn Dexter, MD
President, WNS