The Wisconsin Neurological Society honors a long-standing tradition of recognizing resident research by holding an annual competition for the Francis M. Forster Research Award.
The featured Resident Presenters this year were:
Door-in to Door-Out Time in Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion: Retrospective Review Informs Targeted Improvement Strategies
Marek Cierny, MD, Medical College of WI, Neurology – Post Graduate Year 4
Surgical Outcomes and Intracranial EEG Findings in Drug-resistant Non-LesionalEpilepsy with Temporal Lobe Features on Scalp Video-EEG
Pamela Youssef, MD, Medical College of WI, Neurology – Post Graduate Year 4
A 58 Year Old Male with Rapidly Progressive Quadriparesis and Respiratory Distress
Heydi Flores-Podadera, MD
UW Madison School of Medicine and Public Health – Dept of Neurology
The award is named for Francis M. Forster, MD, one of the founders of the American Academy of Neurology. He was considered an internationally-recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and a prominent neurologist.
We'd like to congratulate this year's winner Dr. Marek Cierney, as well as Dr. Heydi Flores-Podadera and Dr. Pamela Youssef for their outstanding work in the field of neurology. Each resident received a cash stipend for participating