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Society submits comments on CMS Market Stabilization Rule

03/20/2017 11:31 AM | Deleted user
Society submits comments on CMS Market Stabilization Rule

The Wisconsin Medical Society last week submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on its proposed “Market Stabilization Rule.” The rule is intended to stabilize the individual and small group insurance markets and to provide insurers some preliminary policy guidance while the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and American Health Care Act (AHCA) are being debated.

The proposed rule would amend existing regulations regarding guaranteed availability requirements, special enrollment periods, annual enrollment periods, standards related to network adequacy and essential community providers and actuarial value.

The Society commented on each of these provisions and incorporated additional comments from Infinity Health Care, Wisconsin Medical Group Management Association, Association of Wisconsin Surgical Centers, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative and Mercy Health System Corporation.

The Society also reiterated its commitment to its health care reform principles, stating that any health care reform measures should not result in individuals losing existing coverage, place undue burdens on patients or physicians, restrict access or adversely affect affordability.

Click here to access the Society’s comments.

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