During the WNS Annual Business Meeting on Saturday, October16 the Annual Bennett Hiner Research Award Winners were announced. This award is in memory of Bennett Hiner, son of long-time Society member Dr. Bradley Hiner. Bennett passed away unexpectedly in November of 2011. He was a leader in his medical school class at the University of Southern California and actively involved in neuroscience research.
2021 Winner
Mokshal Porwal - Medical College of Wisconsin
Reported Adverse Events and Safety for Multiple Sclerosis Disease Modifying Therapies
2021 Runners-up
Margaret Lieb - Medical College of Wisconsin
Challenges and Potential in Targeted Muscle Reinnervation in Pediatric Amputees
Samira Samant - Medical College of Wisconsin
Prognosticating ALS: The Predictive Value of C9orf72 Mutations and FVC in Disease Progression
Congratulations to all!